A Detailed Look At Feeling Fulfilled After Losing Your Passion: Do Things You Enjoy

One of the most popular posts on my blog over the years was one I wrote in 2012 called “5 Ways To Feel Fulfilled After Losing Your Passion”. Over the next few months, I want to expand on my original list, share each of the 5 ways to feel fulfilled in more depth and from a newer view point.

Check out the other posts in this series: Live Your Life

A Detailed Look At Feeling Fulfilled After Losing Your Passion: Do Things You Enjoy

Do (other) things you enjoy. OR: Get a damn hobby.

Often, when we have passions and huge career goals in life, it takes up all.of.our.time. I know for me, when I thought I was going to be a photographer, it was all I did, like ever. I went to college for it so it was always on my mind and I had almost no space for anything else.

I have many artistic loves outside of photography but when I was focused on that goal, I had no time, I had no energy or need for anything but that. So when I lost my passion and realized that wasn’t the life I wanted or the career I wanted to pursue, my time opened up and I started doing more things. I started writing more, creative fiction, and I started working more in my art journals and doing things with my hands.

Now you have all this time and you’re out there living your life but you still need something fun to occupy your time, right?

Get a hobby. Something that has nothing to do with you old passion.

Take up cooking, painting, hiking, building, calligraphy, bird watching, start gazing, ice skating…start doing a sport, join a league, write a book.

It doesn’t have to be a full hobby either. The point here is to start doing things you didn’t have time for before. Explore what’s out there and maybe something will click to renew your passion. (ps- it’s 100% okay if it doesn’t. It’ll happen, for now, just enjoy.)

Do something you haven’t done in months, or years! Blow bubbles or do cartwheels.

Just have fun and love what you are doing.

When you’ve lost your passion or are trying to find your passion, I think the absolute best thing to do is to try as many things as you can. Explore things you haven’t thought of in years. Take classes and experiment. Open your mind to new ideas, new experiences.

Live your life with joy everyday, go easy on yourself during this time by doing things just for fun and not for profit or for a job or for anything but because you want to.


Share in the comments: How have you coped after losing your passion or career goals in life? What new hobbies or activities are you going to try this week just for fun?


Dear Self by Kendra Kantor

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