Prioritizing Time for Different Parts of Myself

I’m writing this in a flurry of words, feeling my heart pounding and my ear tuned to any cries or screams for 6 month old (6 months!!) little Jeffrey downstairs. I am anxious, shake-y and every conscious of the clock ticking (metaphorically) on my desk.

I have felt so good, so proud and so happy with the path I’m starting to take and then the last 3 weeks or so have kind of been a bust.

I try to network and blog with Jeffrey on my lap, or in the 10 minutes he stays happy in his pack and play. He still doesn’t nap (much) on his own and he’s fairly high needs and needs a change of scenery or activities, often.

And so, I am here typing and thinking as fast as I can. I’m working on prioritizing other parts, other hats of myself and give myself time for self care, my relationships attention and my work and blog it’s space to thrive and grow.

So, I will write when I can, continue to take notes and jot down ideas and try to get back to this space often.




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