Envisioning My Future: A Story

So often as I’m sitting and thinking about life, I can just picture how I want our days to be. The feelings, the time we spend and just the bliss of everyday life that I want. In my perfect world, this would be our reality now. In a good world, it would be our reality by the end of 2013. Will it happen? I hope so.

Below is a short story of what I envision.

Envisioning My Future: A Story

“Morning mama.” Jeffrey rolls over from his twin bed pressed next to our queen. There is a smile on his face as he climbs over me toward his dad, waking him with a hug.
I smile and glance at the clock, almost 8 clock. Scott and I smile at each other and simultaneously tackle our beautiful son with tickles. His giggle makes my heart swell.

My cat, Lilith paws and meows at our door for breakfast and I get up, leaving my favorite guys giggling and wrestling in our bed. I tug a hoddie on, a slight shiver in the autumn morning air. I feed the cats, incessant in their meowing. After a stop to the bathroom, I head to our kitchen to start brewing my coffee.

I hear more laughter from the bedroom and then the patter of tiny feet as Jeffrey barrels out of the room, bowling toward the safety of mama’s arms as his dad chases behind him. “Tickle monster, mama!”

As the smell of fresh grounds fills the room, my son and I scurry from the tickle monster. We end up in a pile on the couch, all giggled out and ready for breakfast. As we eat, Jeffrey regales us with stories of his dreams and his dad and I do the same.

As the boys sit down to build a town out of our Lego kit, I take a nice warm shower. I allow the water to pamper me, use my lavender salt scrub and mentally plan my work for the day. I don’t do my hair or makeup but put on my favorite jeans and a shirt and braid my hair to the side. I grab a fresh cup of coffee, check on the Lego town progress and then sit at my desk, pulling my large hand bound notebook toward myself.

As I sip my cup, I begin to fill my morning pages with the thoughts emotions and doodles clouding up my brain that day. I smirk as I hear the beginnings of a impressive Jedi battle with Lego sabers break out in the room next door.

I fill out my to do list for the day and boot up my computer. I do admin work and networking for almost two hours and then go join my boys for a small snack of fruit and a walk to the park.

When we return home, Scott takes Jeffrey for a nap and I begin making our lunch (healthy!). We sit at the table and talk about everything and nothing. As our son naps, Scott and I sit on the couch. I write in my notebook, brainstorming blog posts and a new e-course while Scott works on his laptop, fingers moving furiously as he finishes the newest edits to his fantasy novel.

“Mama!” We hear from the bedroom and smile. I stop my work to collect Jeffrey and make his lunch while Scott works for another 30 min to an hour.

After his lunch, I get on a call with a long standing mentor client while the boys read and play. I take one more call, a consultation and then a short break to have a snack and watch a discovery show as a family. After the break, I get some blog posts written, a few emails answered and clock out for the day. Its almost 6 pm but I feel rested and productive.

We make dinner together and sit at the table, talking about our plans for the weekend (the zoo!). I give Jeffrey a bath while Scott gets some work done on his novel and then all three of us have an impromptu dance party in the bedroom before we let Jeffrey pick 3 stories for bed.

After he falls asleep, we sneak out to the living room. I wind down with a guilty pleasure tv show on my laptop and some painting (or perhaps knitting) while Scott plays an online game with friends on next to me.

Eventually, we make some hot chocolate, share a brownie and enjoy alone time before bed.

The next day begins in a similar manner, our routine fluid and changing as need be with our growing son and creative work.


What’s your future story?




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