My Mind Is Half Asleep


It’s raining and my mind is still half asleep.
I’m tired and exhausted and ready.
So ready to be productive and ready for something

I’m waiting.

I’m waiting for the answers to come forth from inside of me and I don’t know if they aren’t ready.
Or maybe i’m not ready.
Or maybe the answers just aren’t there.

Maybe they are out there or in here or no where.

How do I find them?

It’s wet and dreary.
It’s painful and hard to breath.
I’m angry and angst-y and frustrated and ready.

Here I am.

I’m ready

“Come to me,” I say and nothing changes, nothing happens.

What do I need?
No no.

What can I do?

♥KendraThis post is part of my Free Write Friday Series. Sometimes I just need to get the thoughts and words out of my head and into this space. And so I free write. I invite you to join me on Friday’s when you need it. Please link up in the comments below.


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