How Learning to Let Go, Allowed Everything to Click Into Place

How Learning to Let Go, Allowed Everything to Click Into Place by Kendra Kantor

For years I’ve struggled with feeling like a “jack of all trades”, I worried for such a long time that I would never be an expert enough at something to do it well or be successful. SO often I pushed away different parts of me in favor of other’s so I could learn and be better.

It’s only been the last year or two that I’ve really stopped pushing so hard against it all. Why, you ask? I don’t know. I’ve been so focused on my mental health journey and on my son, that pushing and pulling my creative sides away became less important and because of that I’ve learned something.

I can allow all of it, and it all fits.

I can be a photographer.
I can be an art journaler.
I can be a poet.
I can be a novelist.
I can be a writer/blogger.
I can be a mama.
I can be a mental health advocate.

I can do all of this, all together and one doesn’t become more important than the other.

They are each sides of me and if I push one away then I feel lost, like there’s battle that doesn’t need to be fought but is raging anyways. It all works together, a well churned machine not that I’ve stopped fighting.

Sure, some weeks I do more photography than poetry and other weeks I have the urge to write fiction instead of blog. But I don’t fight against that anymore like I used to.

I let it all in, I let go and just literally go with he flow of my creative work and allow what calls to me to be what I do. I honestly didn’t even realize this was all happening until recently when I was working on a new project (that you’ll see soon! I’m so excited!). In the past, I would have felt guilty for working on this project, for switching focus and I would have felt like I had to continue down this path and create this type of thing over and over again or…what would be the point?

The point is that it’s a part of me and just because I’m using a different medium to tell my story, doesn’t mean that my story isn’t still present in the work. I feel so free with this realization.


Share: Are you a multi-faceted creator? How have you learned to allow it all in?


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