I live with my family of 3 in the Chicago suburbs where we dream of traveling full time in an RV. I love coffee and nature (but hate bugs, they ruin it for me), I am zombie obsessed and love fantasy novels (but romance novels are forever my guilty pleasure). I am enthralled with gemstones and crystals and think birds are beautiful but
Suffering with a mental illness does not define you, it is part of you but it is not who you are.
Who do you want to be?
I believe no matter what you are suffering with you can be happy. Weather you have depression, ptsd, bipolar, seasonal mood disorder or just going through a slump in your life…you have the power, the right and the opportunity to live life to the fullest. With stubbornness, honesty and hard work, you can overcome your trials and create a life you love.
I have suffered from depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember. When I was 13 I was suicidal and scared and felt very alone. Thankfully, I had a wonderful mother who I felt loved me enough that I went to her and said, “I need help.”
But not everyone has that, as teenagers and even later in life, sometimes we feel too alone and not close enough to anyone to seek help.
Since I was 13, I’ve been off and on medication, I’ve seen therapists regularly and sometimes it’s years in between sessions.
The journey to mental health wellness is rough and bumpy and I wholeheartedly accept that. I am not, yet, in a place where I wake up everyday and think, “Yes! I love my life!” I have moments like that throughout my day. I’m not there and on my blog and in my work, I will always always always be completely honest about that and about where I am on my journey.
I think positivity is a great message but let’s get real, it’s not always real! Especially when we are living with depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, ptsd (or any of the other many mental illnesses), life is messy and real and brutal. Some days, I don’t want to show up here and talk because I’m too sad or trying to fight my way out of a panic attack. But I do. I show up. Because I believe you need to see that, you need to understand that there are others out there just like you, suffering and wallowing and fighting like hell to have a life they can be happy with.
I vow to help you on your quest to self acceptance, peace with your day to day life and joy with what your future will bring.
-Between January and August of 2013, I’ve read approximately 200 books
-I love the smell of a darkroom and miss it since leaving art school in 2009.
-I’ve had to get my nose ring pierced 3 times and every time it hurts like a bitch.
-I own a black cat named Lilith.
-Jade is forever my favorite crystal.
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Like a bird…
I am wandering, I am free, I am falling…I still sing.
Like a bird…
I am watchful, I am between here and there, I am up and down.
Like a bird…
I get caught up in the wind, I beat my wings, I go left then right and after, I struggle, I find my way.
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