Determination and Passion

(I took this photo in my kitchen back home. My mom had some herbs in the window. Not sure what herb it is.)

I recently added Kyla Roma‘s blog to my feed. She seems awesome! Go read her blog if you haven’t before!
Today she posted a link to an interview she did on Just a Titch blog.

The interview is short and sweet but the last question really struck a cord with me and I wanted to share it.

What advice would you give to someone who’s in the process of starting over? What concrete steps would you urge them to take?
It can feel really overwhelming, but take it a piece at a time and work through it with determination and passion – this is the one life you get! It’s not a contest or a race, and you’re not supposed to be born knowing exactly what direction (or job posting) your happiness lies in, it’s hard for almost everyone, and that means you’re not alone. Keep yourself positive and curious, and if you’re having trouble seeing a clear direction for yourself ask your friends and family for help- they might see things about you that you’ve missed.
And watch old movies. They always end with everything falling into place in the last scene, and when things in your life aren’t neat it helps to feel like maybe you’re just waiting for Act Three to start.

I am currently in a time of transition, a time of starting over in so many ways and her words are really helpful to me.

It’s not very often that you see/read bloggers who reveal the hard times, most bloggers keep those things private (which is okay!) but it’s really great to know that other people are struggling (or struggled) just as I am right now.

“Take it a piece at a time and work through it with determination and passion.”
One of the best things I’ve read in a long time.
Thanks for sharing and being inspiring and helpful Kyla! :)

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Blogging/Internet, Life, Like a Bird, reflections and tagged , , , , , , ,

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