When I Stumble Upon Old Notebooks…

So as I’m moving by September I’ve begun cleaning out boxes and throwing stuff out. You would think that since I did this exactly a year ago, I wouldn’t have much to get rid of…right?
Uh…sadly not. I have realized I have way too many material things and am not sure how it has grown so much since last year!

Anyways…as a writer, I have always kept notebooks. I personally love small ones that you buy at Barnes and Noble that fit in my purse but I also used to use regular spiral bound books when I was in creative writing (independent studies) in High School. As I’ve been sorting I found some old notebooks.

I thought it might be fun to share some of my old thoughts. Okay ready…


Journal 1- First page is dated 7-30-08

The first piece of writing that made me pause…
“It is through change we find purpose.”
This was written in a journal that I also had a lot of quotes from others written in and I couldn’t remember writing this.
I searched online and found nothing so I guess I did write it!
After finding it, I wrote about it in my new journal (cause that’s what I do…) and amended the quote to:
“It is through change that we find purpose and courage.”
I felt very deep that day (ha)

In the same journal I wrote about my cousin’s little girl,
“I think everyone in the world would be happy,
if for 10 minutes a day they heard the giggle of a 3 year old.
Running around.
A soft giggle.
“You can’t catch me.”
A squeal and laughter as arms grab her up.
Up high she says, “Look at me mommy!” Toward the ceiling
more laughter and smiles
Over and over again.
“You can’t catch me!”
My amazement that the excitement at the same cat and mouse game
20 times in a row makes her laugh just as hard
makes her smile just as wide as the first time she was gathered up
from beneath the pillow that barely covered her or the blanket that could fit ten of her.”

I was in my poetry stage (okay still would be if I made myself write) and so I tried to make it nicer than just a little journal entry.

I had a lot of quotes from Nabokov in this journal
“I think it’s all a mater of love: the more you love a memory, the stronger and stranger it is.”
“The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling o the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become invisible.”

I was working on an Independent Study for Creative Writing at this time and my project was based around memories and dreams.

More Journals and writings from me in another post :)

(Also I know this is my blog and I should put up content that I want to but I want some input from my readers. Would you be interested in reading some teasers from what I’m writing? Very short snippets. I’m usually pretty secretive when I’m working on big things – one novel and one…other thing right now – but would really love to share my characters and get some feedback. So would you like to read my snippets? :) Also thinking about doing reader participation and getting prompts from you guys then sharing what I wrote off the prompt. Yes, No? )


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Life, Like a Bird, my art, writing and tagged , , , , , ,

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