Reverb10: Days 13-15

Previous days:

art journal
December 13-Action. When it comes to aspirations, it’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step? (Author: Scott Belsky)

One of my favorite quotes:

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.
Action always generates inspiration.
Inspiration seldom generates action.
– Frank Tilbot

So many of us creative types sit around, begging our muse to come to us. Wishing for an idea, motivation to start something, finish something….
But we’re more likely to create, and to finish our creations when we take action.

What’s my next step?

I guess it might help to know what my next idea is, right?

I know I want to work on re-vamping the blog in the new year (already started on this!)
I know I want to make a zine.
I know I want to paint more.
I know I want to start writing again.
I want to bake more.
I want to take photos more.
I want to make things I’m proud of.


That’s it. (see, I knew if I just started typing and kept adding thing I would get there.)

I want to make things (art, food, decorations, a life) that I am proud to say I’ve done. Proud to claim as mine. I want to create things that give me joy and that I can look at and be able to just be thrilled with what I’ve made and stop criticism myself.

How do I do that?!

Take a deep breath.
Take a chance.


December 14-Appreciate What’s the one thing you have come to appreciate most in the past year? How do you express gratitude for it? (Author: Victoria Klein)

I didn’t want to say a person, or people for this prompt. It felt too easy. I know I appreciate my parents, my family and my fiance so much. They are all wonderful, crazily supportive and always there for me.

So what else do I appreciate? What thing, object, or concept, or facet of myself did I appreciate the most this past year?

I appreciate myself for not giving up even when I wanted to so bad.

I appreciate that I’ve had time for myself, even though it’s now coming to an end.
I appreciate the words that have flown from my fingers, onto this blog and into my stories.
I appreciate my kitten who shows me love.
I appreciate the 2 space heaters we bought because without them I surely would have frozen to death in this stupid apartment already.
I appreciate picnics, relaxation, love and change.
I appreciate being me, even if I’m not sure who exactly that is yet.

December 15-5 Minutes Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010. (Author: Patti Digh)


The past 3 or 4 months. They have been bliss. Living with the man of my dreams, my lobster and my biggest supporter is the best thing.
October 16th.
My new kitten.
Haunted house weekend.
All the picnics.
The amazing support of my parents who told me over and over again that no matter what I choose to do, they will support me.
(Leaving) School. The whole school thing was definitely not the best time of my life, but it’s made such a huge impact on how I am living my life now and how I will live in the future.
Riding the trains through Boston and feeling peace as the noise of the morning commute drops away and the sound of Anna Nalick flows through my headset.
Living alone. Mostly sucked. But I’ve read that it’s important to do at least once in your life. I wouldn’t ever ask for it again. I much prefer having someone around who can do the dishes for me.
Words. And characters. The stories I added on to, the characters who rocked my soul and took over my mind, briefly.

I’m stuck. I’ve been sitting here for a good 15 seconds now, unsure what else to add.

I feel like most of this past year only happened in the last 4 months. The time before that…It was my lost year. From September 09 to September 10, it’s officially my Lost Year. I don’t remember half of it, the res is so wrought with pain and doubt and fear and so much unhappiness that I don’t really want to remember it but I know that I should.

Time’s up.

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Blogging/Internet, Life, Like a Bird, reflections, reverb10 and tagged , , , , , ,

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