Why It’s So Important to Consider Even Your Littlest Achievements

So here I am.

A new mother. An artist. A fiance. A blogger. A twenty something. A lost soul. Someone with a mental illness. Someone on the Journey to Recovery. Someone on a million journeys at once with a million different purposes.

And you?
What are you? Who are you? Are you like me? Probably. At least just a little.

Everyday is a struggle, even for those who don’t suffer from mental illnesses, I think there are many struggles everyday, every week, every year.

But do you want to know something? The little achievements count and matter just as much as the big ones do.

I am a dreamer, someone who focuses on the big picture. I want what I want and I want it now (as I was typing that, I chuckled to myself because I wonder where my 4 month old gets the same thing from!). I want to be healthy and happy, now. I want results, now. Maybe it’s just a product of the fast fast now now now internet generation or maybe I’m just hardwired that way, I don’t know. But.

Here I am. Celebrating the little achievements.

On Friday, my fiance got home and we wanted to celebrate getting our first paycheck in 6 months. 6 months of relying on someone else to take care of us and here we are, on the road to self sufficiency. We wanted a nice dinner, even if it was just at Friday’s. But the baby was too tired and too fussy to go out (and we’re out of our frozen milk stash). So fiance took the baby, put him to sleep and I quickly put on some jeans and out the door I went.

Halfway to picking up food, I realized….
It had been several weeks that I had now been leaving the house without even thinking about it.

Liberated. I felt liberated. And free. And so many things. Pathetic, because really?! But yes, it is a struggle everyday for me to leave my bedroom so when I get dressed and walk out that front door without a second thought, it is small in the big picture but it is huge in my mind. It’s such a little achievement on my road to healing but it’s mine. I’m owning it.

And so should you.
What little achievements have you overlooked recently that maybe you shouldn’t have?




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