I recently stumbled upon a post from Lucy about her perfect day and it reminded me of the post I wrote last year called Envisioning My Future.
A writer at heart and an introspection-aholic, I wrote out a short story about what I envisioned our perfect day to look like in the future. I directed Lucy to that post and when she wrote a comment saying, ” And I would love to hear how this vision has evolved since last December.” I couldn’t believe it had been almost a whole year since I had written that post!
A lot has happened in the last year. And yet, not so much. Days move forward and time progresses and often times, changes are slower to evolve and shift than the seasons or our moods.
I’m going to look again at what I envision from the future and if any of it is happening now. I’m also going take a page out of Lucy’s book and create a short list of what I want. I loved writing this as a short story originally but I love the idea of creating a short list of things that would make you have a “good” day, too. On hard days, you can look at your list and do 1 or 2 of those things to brighten it up.
Jeffrey isn’t talking as much as I envisioned, yet. He wakes me up often by rolling over and either poking my eyes until they open or hitting my shoulder and saying, “hi”. Scott is still working out of the house but that’s okay for now because we’re still working off our debt. We are working on creating a space in our living area that is warm and comforting and just right for us. I am working on a regular schedule while Grandma babysits. I am working toward my passion and creating and writing and accomplishing things on a weekly basis and it feels good.
Jeffrey and I often spend at least a half hour in bed cuddling, counting the lights on the ceiling and exchanging kisses and hugs. It’s one of my favorite times of the day and when we skip it because I have to run upstairs to pee before I explode, I feel like I’m really missing out the rest of the day.
Scott gets some alone time to work on his own creative pursuits as often as we can manage it, after work a few days a week. I’ll admit it doesn’t happen as often as it should because by the end of the work day, I am an exhausted mama and need relief. But it’s a work in progress. We struggle with couple time still because Jeffrey’s bedtime is about 10pm and always has been. So by the time he’s asleep and we are both ready for bed.
In my original post I wrote, “In my perfect world, this would be our reality now. In a good world, it would be our reality by the end of 2013. Will it happen? I hope so.”
We aren’t close to my original story just yet. Things are so much better than they were a year ago when I wrote that down. I’m feeling healthier mentally, and while I still struggle with my anxiety and depression, it’s just such an oppressive force on the day. We are working toward our goals and that is what is most important.
What is on my list to have a “perfect” day?
-Scott being home
-Productive time
-Watching Jeffrey learn something new or do something that makes me proud (even just cleaning up his toys the first time I ask!)
-Family time
-Reading time
-Alone time
-Good food
-Making our home feel like home
-Lots of laughter
-Feelings of calm, peace, excitement, joy, right-ness
Share: How do you envision your days? Are there certain feelings, actions, routines or things you want to happen in your life on a day to day basis to make it “prefect”?
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