Reverb10: Days 16-18

Previous days:

December 16-Friendship How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst? (Author: Martha Mihalick)

Don’t like this prompt.
Remember my itsy bitsy community? Yeah right. No friends really.

I could talk about my lack of friends has changed my perspective of myself. It’s weird. I’ve looked at myself really hard every time I try for a friend and fail. And I can’t figure out what it is about me that turns people off, I can’t figure out what I should change, how I should act different.
Or maybe it’s changed my perspective that I know I shouldn’t need to. That’s just silly. You (or I, rather) would never ever change who I am for a guy so why do it for a friend? That’s weird. Hmmm.

I’m slowly building friendships I think. There are a few people on twitter who I talk with often and I have 7 pen pals now thanks to my blog and I’m so looking forward to becoming good friends with them all. So all is not lost, yet.

I don’t think I’m really skipping this prompt, cause I’m here…I’m writing…I’m thinking. And that’s the whole point of this reverb thing right?

December 17-Lesson Learned What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward? (Author: Tara Weaver)

I’ve learned:
That I don’t want to settle.
That I’m stubborn as all hell.
That I give up…a lot…but almost always come back and try again.
College life just wasn’t for me. (or that specific college. I don’t know.)
It’s so important to remember and enjoy the simple joys of life. Like going on a picnic, cuddling, dancing in the middle of the night, the best cup of coffee of your life (okay, the best you’ve had in a while).
Everyone has opinions, and theirs might not be right. (HA! Just cause several people told me my photography sucked, I refuse to believe you. Really.)
Some days are going to be so awful and others are going to be amazing. It’s life. My bad days are going to be worse because I have depression but I’ll eventually pick myself back up and deal.
I don’t blame anyone else for my failures. I left because I needed to, because it wasn’t right. I’m failing at all of this because I’m not taking enough action, I’m not doing enough.
Life isn’t fair.
But that’s okay.

December 18- Try. What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it? (Author: Kaileen Elise)

“Do or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda.
In 2011, I will do more, I will not try. I will accomplish what I set out to do.

I feel like this prompt is really similar to Action but I’ll try to answer it differently.

I’ll start off with this past year. In 2010 I wanted to try a lot of things, I always do. I love trying new art techniques and new things in life. I created my very first birthday list, my 20 Things To Do Before I Turn 20 list. I was so very excited about it. I wrote it while I was in the midst of deciding if I was going to stay in school or take time off and it was the first thing I was doing for my in a long while. While I did start and/or finish a handful of my goals from that list, for the most part they didn’t get accomplished. I realized I just wasn’t ready for that kind of goal list this past year.

Next year, I want to try a lot of things. I have started a new birthday list. My new list is 43 by 22, so it’s a list of things I want to do starting now until January 4th, 2012 when I turn 22. I just couldn’t pick 21 things I wanted to do, I needed a longer list!

Here’s a few things off my 43 by 22 list:
1.join a gym
2.get married
3.finish 52 journal project
4.start another 52 type project
5.don’t cut my hair/grow it out 4-6 inches

31.go sledding
32.walnut ink (and similar)
33.5-10 new art techniques/supplies
35.make a zine

See more of what I want to try next year by reading the whole list.

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