21 Thoughts About 21 Days In My Sketchbook Part 1

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See more pages in my sketchbook here.

When I started this project, almost everyday I would open a draft in my dashboard and add some thoughts, feelings, and explaining the things I was doing and why. I enjoyed writing out my thoughts and I want to share them with you, I think as fellow art journalers and creatives they might be helpful to you. I think it’s really important to be reflective and honest with yourself about your art, I hope you take something away from my project. Here is part 1 of my list.

art journal ©Kendra Kantor from like a bird blog

21 Facts About 21 Days In My Sketchbook

1. I have tried many times before to finish some kind of weekly or daily project. My 52 Weeks Art Journal, Reverb10, 30 Days of Lists (the one from March) , and the 30 Day Journal Challenge. And I’ve always fallen flat.

So this time, I decided to work quietly every day, and not share my project online (or with anyone but my fiance). I thought I might finish it easier. I know everyone says if you announce something online, you’ll be held accountable to finish, to get it done. I’ve even given that tip myself in the past, however sometimes it’s too stressful. I say I’m going to do it, and I feel anxious and stressed at having to complete it, or I’ll look like a horrible failure to every one in the world (because we all know everyone in the world reads my blog)

So I tried a new approach. I hid it, I held myself accountable. I decided to be proud of myself every day for finishing, I tried new things.

2. I’m going to be honest with you now. I started this project with the intention of completing a 30 Day Journal and then start a new one and so on. Certain things arose in my life and I only got to 21 days. But it’s still the longest daily project I have ever worked on and I am proud of myself for that. And someday soon, I’ll start a new journal and try again and I’ll keep trying.

3.You actually saw me start this project, back in July when I took A Photo (or more) an Hour, I shared a picture of my sketchbook in assembly and a peak at the first page.

4. Along the way (early on mostly) I really wanted to talk about my project, announce that I was working on something, or share my pages. But I withheld. Instead, as I went on I drafted my blog posts and saved them until it was time to share (now). it helped. The words were out there, on the internet somewhere, sure no one but myself could see them but with one click of a button…everyone could see. And it satisfied my urge to share my journey.

5. Honestly, keeping the project to myself as I worked on it helped immensely. Try it. do something just for you, not because you have a blog and need to share something…do it for you and don’t tel anyone until it’s done. You don’t even have to share it then either.

6. I was very obsessed with using calligraphy pens for writing and drawing. it took more time, more thought, more consciousness in my work and was something new to work with. An experiment and a almost a mindful meditation, it grounded me in my work. Until one day…I spilled my ink ALL over my table. I haven’t had the chance to pick up more yet, I really need to, I really enjoyed it.

7. I also tried to be minimal. I think I’ve learned a lot about my own style doing this journal. I’ve been art journaling for years now and have mostly worked in a more “mixed media” or “busy” style. And those are fantastic styles, I admire and LOVE the artists who work that way (Samantha Kira,Tammy , Oiseaux andPam Garrison among others.) And while I love working in those styles because it’s free, I can spalsh paint on the page, layer to my hearts content…I don’t think my work looks as effortless as those I’ve listed. See here, here, here and here. My heart, mind and hands desired something different. Something minimal.




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21 Days In My Sketchbook, art journal, Like a Bird, my art and tagged , , , ,

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