12 Questions: Week 4

12 Questions is a bi-weekly series on Like a Bird. I will post a deep, soulful question that I hope will encourage introspective, reflection and new understanding of self. I invite and encourage all of my readers to think on the questions and answer them as best as the can, write them in a journal, share in the comments or write a full blog post(just be sure to link back here). I wish you all luck on this journey.

Right in this moment, I could shut off technology more often. I don’t actually get much time on my own computer these days but I’m always hooked in with my phone. When the baby is sleeping, I’m watching tv on the laptop or browsing my reader. I feel okay about it when he’s asleep, for the most part.

Some times I think I should sit and just watch him sleep and breath more, because tomorrow he will be bigger, know more and do more than he did right in this moment. I try really hard to be tuned in and disconnected when Jeffrey is awake but I catch myself looking on instagram or twitter more often than I would like. It’s really something I need to work on.




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