Starting to Tell My Story. What’s Yours?

In August, I started a…thing while I was on my break. Words on a fresh wordpress draft. I labeled it, “For my Eyes Only”, which is rare for me. If I’m not brave enough or willing to share it on Like a Bird, I usually have every intention of sharing it with my fiance. But I didn’t, not this time.


I’m not sure.

What was it? I’m not sure of that either but I know it contained a story.

I’ve often thought to myself how unlikeable, how insignificant, how boring and untragic my short life has been. But what I’m slowly beginning to learn is:
1 I won’t always be so insignificant. I’m less so already, as a mother, my son is the future and O am his teacher, his role model, his guide.
2 I have a story inside of me.

My life
My experiences
My hopes
My dreams
My memories
My words
My fiction
My truth

My story.

It’s in there waiting to come forth in words and images and smiles and connections and I think I’m almost ready to tell it.
Not quite as ready to share all of it but I’ll get there. I’ve already shared lots of it here on this lovely blog space of mine, and honestly, there’s not too much shocking in my story. But it’s mine and I’ll hold it close for now.

Are you ready and will to tell your story? Tell me some of it. Be brave and let it flow.




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One Trackback

  1. By 100 Things To Do in 2013 on 07/22/2013 at 10:23 am

    […] subscribers (75 total). 20- Write fiction again, without pressure for it to become anything. 21- Tell my story. 22- Get fucking married! 23- Do things that could potentially make me a friend, I need to connect […]

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