Join Me for The Become Soulfully Connected Telesummit

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Update: Unfortunately, I had to bow out of this amazing opportunity due to being sick all of September. But you should still go check it out and listen to all the other insightful ladies!

Soulfully Connected Telesummit
Do you ever wake up feeling there is something missing in your life?
Are you ready to make lasting changes that will benefit you and the people around you?
Do you believe now is the time to balance all the areas of your life?

Then join this amazing group of awakened women, connected through their mutual desire to help you live life to the fullest.

I’m part of this amazing group of women getting together for the Soulfully Connected Telesummit happening September 31st through October 12th! I could not be more thrilled to be speaking for this Telesummit.

You may have a clear vision of what you want your life to look like. Or maybe you just have an intuitive feeling that your current situation could be better. Perhaps you started walking your path with faith, but having to go it all alone is just taking too much time and effort. You experience inner blocks and physical obstacles.

During this telesummit we will be talking about:

-Connecting with your higher self. Learn to trust your inner voice that will guide you towards success.

-Making positive and lasting changes that will change your life for the better. Just a few topics we will be talking about are: women’s health, parenting, daily spiritual practice, and Thought Field Therapy.

-Finding a balance that soulfully connects all that you are and everything you know you can be. Change your relationship with money, food, your body, and your mind

Click Here to Join the Summit
Click here to sign up

Join us and take the first step towards becoming beautifully, powerfully, soulfully you.

“Life is not a secret to be kept but a gift to be shared.’”
– Steffie Vandierendonck

The Become Soulfully Connected Telesummit is totally free for up to 48 hours (after each interview goes live) but if you want to access the juicy, life-changing advice from these incredible women long beyond that, you can download the recordings and transcripts for only $27.00! Can’t wait to have you join us and Become Soulfully Connected!


Have you signed up yet?

ps- I’m also giving away a FREE Fledgling Mentor Session (1 month) as part of the Telesummit. How cool is that?! Go here to enter and win.

*please note there are affiliate links in this post. That means that when you click and purchase through those links I get the money. You support Like a Bird, awesome!


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