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On April 28th, my son turned 2 years old. I’ve talked off and on about mamahood here and I’ve collaborated on some great projects about it as well. This is not meant to be a mommy blog but I wanted to share a few things I’ve learned about being a mama over the years. None of these lessons are revolutionary but they are mine.
1-Time goes so fast.
I have to tell you, I look at him every single day (literally, not an exaggeration) and think “how did he get so old?!” He is so smart and every time I look at him, he looks older and smarter and more like a little boy and less like a itty bitty baby! My mama heart sours and breaks at the same time seeing time go so fast.
2-The world is a magical and beautiful place.
I’ve kind of had this lesson in place before, as an artist and photographer but, like many mom’s I am often amazed at how awesome the world looks through my little boys eyes. In early April, it was hot enough out that he was running around in just a diaper and less than 3 days later, there was a few inches of snow on the ground. He was thrilled! He gets so excited every time he gets to play with a ball or sees a bird on the deck.
3-I am a better person as a mama.
I’d like to hope I am more patient, more kind, more loving and more confident. I know I am more grounded in who I am and what I want out of my life and for his life. I know I am a good role model in showing him there is more to life than just being a mama.
4-I am capable of so much more love than I ever thought possible.
Seriously. I miss him when I’m away from him for an hour. My heart is filled to bursting with how happy it makes me when he smiles and voluntarily gives me kisses. When he learns something new, when he talks in French or signs to me, I am filled with so much pride and love for this tiny guy.
5-It’s all okay.
It’s okay to fuck up. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to let him play by himself. It’s okay to walk away and take a break for a bit. It’s okay to kiss his tears away. It’s okay to ignore his tantrums. It’s okay to let him make a mess. It’s okay to let him get hurt. It’s okay to let him watch tv. It’s all going to be okay.
Here are 8 posts I’ve written about mamahood over the past 2 years:
Jeffrey’s Birth Story * 15 Tips on Surviving the Newborn Phase * Balance * I’m a New Mama Grieving For Her Old Life and That’s Okay * Soul to Soul * Having a Mental Illness and Being a Mama is the Hardest Thing I Have Ever Gone Through * The Irony of Mama Guilt and Letting Go Of Feeling Guilty for Wanting to Work * What I Wish I’d Known as a New Mama With PostPartum Depression
I don’t know if I can accurately explain how much having a child has changed my life. That sounds so cliche but I was so lost before having him. Being a parent really makes you re-evaluate your life. I have focused on my self care and getting myself healthy and my business going more since my son was born than any other time in my life. Because it’s important to me to make a good example for him, to be healthy so I can watch him grow up.
Share: Are you a mama? What lessons have you learned as you’ve cared for and nurtured new life?
Being a first-time mama is an amazing experience. I created an e-book and audio called “Creating Your Identity as a New Mama: A personal account and guide for new mamas about finding and creating their new identity as a woman without the dreaded mama guilt.”
Right now, my audio and e-book is available exclusively in the amazing New Mama Welcome Pack. If you’re a new mama who wants to rock motherhood without guilt, overwhelm or losing yourself, check out the New Mama Welcome Pack here.
All links in this post to The New Mama Welcome Pack are affiliate links. That means, when you purchase The New Mama Welcome Pack, you’re helping support Like a Bird! I feel so incredibly passionate about this project and hope you will purchase it to help you as a new mama.