Check This Stuff Out V1

About a month ago, I started this feature that I was sending out directly to those on my exclusive email list. Why just to my list? Because I had this fear that it would look unprofessional posted on my blog. But that’s silly and I want to share all of these awesome things with everyone.

Welcome to the new monthly(ish) feature: “Check This Stuff Out!” It will be chuck full of inspiring, beautiful and interesting things I’ve found on my wanderings around the web. I hope you enjoy.

Lovely Links v1

I love finding unique art. Paint and film is great but when you think outside the box and use different mediums, it can be amazing. Check out Andrew Myer’s Portraits with Screws.

I’m all for being honest with our kids. 17 Lies We Need to Stop Teaching Our Girls About Sex. “14. Once you start having sex, you’re not allowed to say “stop.” You can change your mind at any time during sex, and your partner must respect that. It doesn’t matter if blue balls are real or not. Know that your voice must be heard.”

There are some great gems in this article: 6 Inspiring Women on Their Hardest Life Lessons. My favorite? “My hardest life lesson: Learning ultimate acceptance of myself, others and life circumstances for how they are, as opposed to how I expect or desire them to be.” from Andrea Cairella

“Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.”- Bill Clinton

Have you heard about Emily Jeffords?! I’m a wee bit obsessed with her paintings and I snatched up a set of mini prints that I am waiting on pins and needles to be delivered.

I love these kinds of stories. How photography helped a mama beat ppd, “I had unwittingly created for myself a support group of like-minded people all over the world,” Rachel says. “I was inspired by them, and we all helped each other get better and refine our own work.””

Get your tissues ready for this post, Life Lessons On What Really Matters from a Dying Man. “But two things he said that day, while moving in and out of drug-induced sleep, have shaped my life forever. The first was, “If I only I had ten more years, just think of all the good I could do.” And, the second was, “I feel sorry for you.”

Some Like a Bird stuff you might have missed:

-I wrote a guest post “Why My Mental Illnesses are Really a Blessing in Disguise” on The Pillow Fort.
“I know I will remember that all of the pain I’ve gone through had a purpose and for that I am grateful.”

-I am an introvert and I like it. I did an interview “Awesome Introverts Among Us” On the Conscious Introvert Success blog.
“Having a successful heart-based business means first and foremost following a path that you helps you, as the business owner, thrive.”

-Have you been to the lovely TWLOHA blog? I wrote: Dear New Mama Self: A letter about Postpartum Depression
“I know you feel like you are drowning in emotions right now; there’s so much guilt and fear. There are so many tears, so many feelings of wanting to run away, and there’s nothing I can say to make it stop right now. But I will tell you again, it will get better.”


Share:Do you have any favorite links you want me to see? Share them in the comments below!

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