Photography vs Writing

(If I was a bird
…I would be made of paper.


I’ve encountered many traditional artists that feel strongly that photography is not an art. That photography is too easy to be considered a form of art and that it shouldn’t be held to the same caliber as a drawing or a painting. While I don’t really want to get into that debate (as I obviously feel very strongly that it is in fact art), I bring up this point to focus on the topic at hand.

So many traditional artists feel that all you do is focus and push a button, simple right?

In basic terms yes, you have to “just” push a button.

Lately I have immersed myself in writing, in reading creative writing books, I love to read a piece of literature or a poem that just makes me feel…I don’t want to say enlightened but more conscious of the world and words. I’ve taken up trying to write fairly regularly again, I blog, I think and I write in a notebook. My creative mind has been focused on literary art rather than visual art.

Because writing is easier than taking pictures.
How can that be? I’m not really sure who really thinks writing in any sense, let alone a creative and different way, is easy. To those who have read Shakespeare, fell in love with Nabokov, became enamored with Edgar Allen Poe…they know writing is not an easy task.

Putting together a sentence, playing with syntax and diction and tone is easier than putting my finger even on that button let alone pressing it.

Why. That is really the question. I ask myself why about a lot of things, why I do this, why the world is this way, why do those people act that way. Those in a search for knowledge learn to obsess over why, at least I do.

So why is writing easier than taking a picture? I don’t know. I really really wish I did.
Recently, I joined a site called NaBloPoMo, it’s the same concept as NaNoWriMo, but they’ve decided to carry it out all year for blogs.
I wrote a comment that photography owns my heart and that writing is my second love. My second love was jealous and pushed its way in but now my heart is sitting in the side lines alone while I go frolic with the other. I want to reassure my heart but I don’t know how. I want it to be easy again for me, I want to be able to just pick up my camera and shoot and not care and be free.

Love is complicated isn’t it?

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Life, Like a Bird, my art, reflections and tagged , , , ,