5 Ways to Feel Fulfilled After Losing Your Passion

Feeling Fulfilled ©Kendra Kantor

Hey you! If you like this post you might be interested to know that I’ve started a new series about looking more in depth at this idea. Check out the posts:
A Detailed Look At Feeling Fulfilled After Losing Your Passion: Live Your Life

What have you done/ are doing to make your life fulfilling? What makes your life unique? What do you wish you could change? What advice do you have for others?

I remember feeling inspired when I read these questions and now as I sit here, I’m drawing a blank.

My philosophy on blogging is we need to be honest and real, so I’m going to do just that. Most days, I don’t feel fulfilled, I feel lost and out of control.

I guess I should back track a bit, before going forward.

I’m an artist. I say that with certainty, because I know it in my bones. A few years ago, I would have said “I’m a photographer”. It was my passion, my dream, it made my life fulfilling, it was my everything. So I pursued it, I traveled 1000 miles from the only home I had ever known for 18 years to a big scary city, living in an apartment all by myself. Everything became lost. Through a number of things, I lost my passion for photography and fled that scary city. It’s been over a year and while I’m slowly, finally getting to know more about me and what I want and am so excited to be a mother for the first time…my new path and my new passion hasn’t yet opened up to me.

It’s a journey, trying to find your way with nothing to go on. It’s hard but I know it will be worth it. Below are some ways I’ve been using to feel fulfilled in my life even when I don’t know where I’m going just yet.

1- Take some time.

Don’t even think about it for a few days, a week…a month even. Let yourself relax and just enjoy what life is giving you. I know, it might not be what you had imagined, but there is still good in it.

2- Do at least 1 thing you love or enjoy everyday.

Maybe the passion you lost, or you have yet to find, was taking up all of your time. You had no spare moments. Well, now you do. So take them, cherish them and do something you love. Read a book, watch a movie, go for a walk. Do something you haven’t done in months, or years! Blow bubbles or do cartwheels. Just have fun and love.

3- Help others.

One thing that makes me feel fulfilled and overjoyed is helping other people. It could be helping them start an etsy store, learn how to art journal, give them tips on photography, be a supportive friend or do something bigger, for more than one person like donating clothes or helping at a food bank. But help in a way that brings joy to you and that makes your soul shine.

4- Keep a journal.

It can be a visual journal, a diary, Morning Pages, or something else but write down your thoughts and feelings everyday. You can use it as a place to complain about life, to praise yourself and the things you love about you and your life. You can take some time to brainstorm what you love the most, what makes you overjoyed and what you want to do with the rest of your life. Just get your words down. You don’t have to be a writer, you don’t even need to know how to spell things properly…just write.

5- Be open to the changes.

This has been one of the hardest for me. You need to be open to the fact that your life isn’t going to necessarily be what you pictured before now. Things are different, and that’s okay.

Feeling fulfilled and happy with life and your career is a hard thing to come by. And trying to consciously figure those things out can be even harder, longer journey but it’s worth it. In some strange way, I do feel fulfilled working on myself, I’m not to where I want to be in life but I feel fulfilled and in the right direction that I’m trying.

Are you fulfilled? Do you have any tips, or thoughts to share?




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One Trackback

  1. […] of the most popular posts on my blog over the years was one I wrote in 2012 called “5 Ways To Feel Fulfilled After Losing Your Passion”. I wrote this from a place of experience and in the middle of a huge transition. I had recently […]

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