Last year, I followed Leonie Dawson’s advice and created a list of 100 things to do in 2013. We didn’t do all 100 things but with everything that happened the last year (my anxiety and depression being so bad and then loosing a few months to illness), we accomplished a lot of the things we set out to do.
This year, I’m taking my own advice and using one of the prompts from my Journal in the New You course (ps – you can still totally sign up!) and creating a list of 14 things to do in 2014. I picked 14 because of the year but also because 100 is an insane number. 14 action-able, do-able things to do in the new year. That’s only a little more than one a month and that is totally something we can all accomplish, right?!
So here’s my list
14 Things To Do in 2014
1-Continue to focus on and improve our health – (yoga, massage, chiropractor, acupuncture, reiki, chakra balance, dentist, lady doctor, etc).
2-Get my business fully legal.
3-Finish getting my name changed.
4-Read through Money Love and try to find peace with our finances.
5-Take myself on 1 date a month/work outside the house at least 1 a month.
6-Get a tattoo.
7-Visit Chicago.
8-Write fiction again, without pressure for it to become anything.
9-Fix Scott’s bike and then ride our bikes.
10-Take archery lessons. Or something similarly fun.
11-Print our blurb books.
12-Try out Geo-caching. Or something similarly fun.
13-Donate blood. (didn’t get a chance to this year after my illness!)
14-Take monthly photo walks.
As I was initially brainstorming my list, I realized there were a lot of repeats from last year. Not because we didn’t do them, but because we wanted to do them again. And thus, we created our “every year” list.
Our “Every Year” List
1-Visit the Zoo at least once
2-Go to the Renaissance Festival
3-Take a family vacation, just the 3 of us.
4-Volunteer or donate time, money etc
5-Visit a a new state (the rule is that it needs to be new to at least 2 out of the 3 of us).
6-Go on 8 official dates as just Husband and Wife.
7-Go to a play/concert/theater.
I feel pretty happy with these lists so far but I’m not opposed to them changing, being added on to or adapted as the year goes by.
Share: What’s on your list of things to do for 2014? Do you have an “every year” list as well?