How Mindfulness and ACT Therapy Changed My Life

How Mindfulness and ACT Therapy Changed My Life by Kendra Kantor

The last few months, I’ve been working with Naomi Goodlet going through her Anxiety Hacker coaching. It’s been amazing and I plan to start writing more about my experiences and where I’m at now, how my anxiety levels are and all kinds of things.

Today, I wanted to share a bit about my story and let you see the interview I did with Naomi.

If you can’t (or don’t want to) watch the video here are a few of my favorite parts:

Naomi: Can you give us a little snapshot of what your anxiety looked like?

Kendra: My anxiety felt like there was a rock sitting on my chest, it was hard to breath. I felt very high strung and very overwhelmed with everything…A lot of the times it was hard to sit down and focus [on playing with my 2 year old son].

Naomi: After working with me, how has your anxiety changed?

Kendra: It’s been a crazy transformation! I’ve been progressing a lot over the last year but nothing as fast or as significant as the short time I’ve worked with you. I’ve gotten to a point where my anxiety is really manageable, I very rarely have anxiety days and when I do I love to use the techniques you taught…

I’ve felt really well and am managing well, so this panic panic attack showed me that this is a sign that I’m not ready for this step yet. In the past, I would have had the thought “this ruins everything, I feel guilty, this ruins everything.” But I accepted it and honored my body and moved on and had a great weekend.

Naomi: how have you benefited from using mindfulness and ACT techniques?

Kendra: I use the ACT techniques whenever there is any negative or uncomfortable feeling coming up. If I’m having a down day, or feeling sick or lazy, in the past I would have felt sucky about it. Now all feelings are okay to have and its just how you react and accept it. Sometimes you need to have a crappy day and that’s okay. I don’t have to feel bad about it anymore.

This experience has completely changed everything. I was in such a place where I was stuck for so long and it’s pushed me over and changed every aspect of my life.

I hope you enjoyed the video and the short peak into my experience with mindfulness and ACT. Like I said, I will be talking a lot about it in the coming months and implementing some of the ideas into my own mentoring. If you have any specific questions you want answered, let me know.


Share: Has there been one therapy, medication, moment or person who has completely changed your wellness journey for the better?

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