Get My Free E-Book: 5 Secrects To Surviving Each Day With a Mental Illness(or two)

I’ve recently started to really re-align myself with my inner self, my authentic self. I’ve been struggling for a long time with what I want to do with my life and I think I’m finally getting there. I’m not completely ready to share it yet but I am ready to start releasing a few things into the world. And here’s the first one.

Dear Friends,

Do you suffer from a mental illness (or two)? Do you wake up each day unsure of how you’ll make it until the night again? On a daily basis, do you deal with anxieties, worries, fears and sadness? I do. I have for years and it’s something I’m working on recovering and healing and accepting. I’m no expert but I wanted to share 5 secrets I use for myself on a daily basis (when it’s a good day, anyways) that help me survive and make it until bedtime again.

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Here’s what other lovely souls have had to say:

Amy from Don’t Feed the Birds Please said,

“I am not a therapist, psychiatrist or doctor. I am just a woman who has lived with
depression and anxiety in many forms her whole life.” 5 Secrets to Surviving Each Day With a Mental Illness (or Two) is Kendra Kantor’s honest, down to earth approach to helping those inflicted with mental disorders.

Kendra rolls up her years of experience into five effective points, showing how you can take control of things in your life, seek professional help and learn to accept disorders as part of you. This no-nonsense e-book is guaranteed to offer all the advice you truly need in one compact, readable volume.

Must note: this e-book does not contain bull-shitting, patronization, lying, a mass of medical jargon or thousands or pages with really tiny print that anyone with a mental condition has no hope on earth of reading. I highly recommend it!

Maybe you don’t feel the pull to need my e-book right now. But I’m sure all of you know at least one person in your life who could use it. So please, pass on the link to this post, tweet it, email it and facebook it. Show love to someone who needs it.

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  1. […] Blogging about things I want to and not just creating content for contents sake, creating an e-book and a newsletter, doing research, working with […]

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